Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
We went to my brother's house in Lindale, Texas to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. As usual, we had a fantastic time with our family and friends. Three years ago, the boys and I began a new tradition called the Turkey Bowl. Following our meal we play a game of touch football. This year we were able to have a few more players and a little more competition. For some reason I always have to defend and be defended by my nephew, Cody. Remember, I am 43 years old and my days of blazing speed and quick acceleration are far in my past. Cody is 21, in shape, a two time all state safety and carries the nickname 'swole' he picked up in high school because of his muscle tone. To say the least, I was skunked all day. Regardless of my wounded pride, we had a tremendous day of fun including a game I could win, "Chubby Bunny." The game involves stuffing a marshmellow in your mouth and then saying, "Chubby Bunny." Each round you add a marshmellow. As you can imagine, the person with the biggest mouth wins. Steven and I were the last two standing, but I prevailed. With Thanksgiving behind us we now begin preparations for Christmas. I hope everyone had a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Monday, August 10, 2009
God's Love
God’s love is everlasting. One cannot find its beginning. Even in eternity, we will not discover its end. It is as eternal as the One it proceeds from. His love is boundless, measureless, endless, limitless, infinite, and inexhaustible.
God’s love is inexpressible. No thought can reach it, no tongue can declare it, no pen can express it, no choir can sing its melody, but the blood of Jesus demonstrates it to us.
God’s love is uncontainable and irrepressible. Sin cannot hem it in. Instead, it increases its flow to overflowing. The devil can’t build a stronghold that God’s love cannot dismantle and overwhelm. “To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry, Nor could the scroll contain the whole tho stretched from sky to sky.”
God’s love is unattainable. No human good can deserve it. No position is worthy to possess it. No power can conquer it and make it its own. It can only be bestowed as a gift.
God’s love is inexhaustible. When you experience His love, you will always want more. As your desire increases you will discover the well never runs dry. All the saints of all time will never in all eternity drain the flow of the living water of God’s love.
God’s love is inescapable. To the ends of the earth His love pursues you. In the lowest depth you cannot hide. At the highest height you cannot evade His love. In the darkest cave the light of His love is brilliant. His love will hunt you down, capture you and will never let you go.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Extra Mile

Friday night Gina and I went to Lake Fairfield State Park for our date night. In all the years we have been in East Texas, we have never been to this place. We discovered some great trails and did some hiking. We walked the 2 mile trail that evidently connects with another trail at some point. As a result we probably walked an extra mile.
The last mile was probably the best however. We found a nice spot by the lake where we just sat for a while and talked and listened. While in the spot, we think we might have seen an eagle flying. Lake Fairfield is known as a place for such sightings. It was flying at a high altitude, so it was difficult to know for sure, but I claimed that it was an eagle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
It was a great time of getting away. We saw four deer, three that crossed the trail about 50 yards ahead of us and one feeding in a field. We were 30 yards from her and she never flenched. She just looked up at us for a minute and then started feeding again.
Our date nights are always special. It's an important part of our relationship each week. So many couples do not intentionally spend time with one another. Various reasons exist as to why, but I would encourage you to make time to spend moments together. I have forgotten a lot of things over the past 25 years, but the moments we make always seem to remain locked in my memory. I think its the extra mile we walk together. Thanks for the hike, Gina.
The last mile was probably the best however. We found a nice spot by the lake where we just sat for a while and talked and listened. While in the spot, we think we might have seen an eagle flying. Lake Fairfield is known as a place for such sightings. It was flying at a high altitude, so it was difficult to know for sure, but I claimed that it was an eagle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
It was a great time of getting away. We saw four deer, three that crossed the trail about 50 yards ahead of us and one feeding in a field. We were 30 yards from her and she never flenched. She just looked up at us for a minute and then started feeding again.
Our date nights are always special. It's an important part of our relationship each week. So many couples do not intentionally spend time with one another. Various reasons exist as to why, but I would encourage you to make time to spend moments together. I have forgotten a lot of things over the past 25 years, but the moments we make always seem to remain locked in my memory. I think its the extra mile we walk together. Thanks for the hike, Gina.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Family Night at the Dees Home
A few weeks ago, Gina suggested we start having family night on Monday's. She has always loved doing these, but it seems everyone is always going in different directions so they are hard to come by. However, every member of the family has made a special effort to be home on Monday evenings and we are enjoying the special times.
After throwing every kind of meat we could find on the grill, we played a lot of spoons tonight. I don't think there was a person at the table that is not a competetor, so it made for some interesting games. Brittany described them as 'exhilarating' and Laura said they were intense. Gina threatend me after I went across the table chasing a spoon. I missed! The last match was between Brandi and me. I have to humbly, yet regretfully acknowledge that Brandi won!!! (She will be pleased I published this.)
Family times are the best times. It's always fun to get together and laugh, enjoy good food and good friends. Oh, and tell the girlfriends all the secrets of our boys.
Melodic Conversations

"And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ." (Ephesians 5:18-21) Christians are the dwelling place of Holy Spirit. As a result of His presence, our lives reflect His work in us daily as we are filled with Him. What does the reflection of God look like through us? One of the actions of our lives that reflects God is our conversations. Our conversation is to be pleasant and joyful. Paul uses musical analogies to express what our conversations should sound like to others. When we listen to music, it is not unusual to catch ourselves tapping our feet or singing along with the tune. Good music can change the attitude of an individual. Our conversation should be such that people want to join in with some toe-tapping and maybe even sing-a-long. Avoid joining in office gossip or criticism. Instead, change the attitude of the environment you find yourself in by instigating Spirit led conversation. Build up rather than tear down. Encourage rather than discourage. Speak the truth rather than a lie. What we say is often remembered and repeated, so make sure what you say is beautiful to the Lord, edifying and uplifting to all who hear it. Put a song in someone’s heart today by what you say.
God's Seal of Approval

“But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.” Romans 8:9 It is certainly good to know whether you belong to Christ. If you belong to Jesus Christ you are certain you have eternal life and have discovered what real life is. Polls tell us that over 90% of Americans believe in God. Of course, this stat is deceiving since it does not identify the god they believe in. However, we can draw from this stat that believing in God does not change the behavior of a nation. People often confess God with their lips and deny Him with their actions. If you do not belong to Christ you can be certain that you will face judgment when you die, be found guilty, be found wanting in paying the penalty, and be sentenced justly. Your sentence will be eternity in Hell, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Where your desire to belong to Christ will never go away and the realization that you cannot have Him will always be present. In hell there will be hopelessness, loneliness, pain, sorrow, crying, discouragement and lostness and none of these disparaging things will ever cease. It is certainly good to know whether you belong to Christ. You may ask, “How can a person know if the Spirit dwells in him?” This is the precise question Paul wants a person to ask at this point. “Is there something that distinguishes Christians from non-Christians?” Paul’s answer is yes! The Holy Spirit’s answer is yes! The Word of God’s answer is yes! There is one distinctive mentioned in this sentence that identifies whether you belong to Christ; having the Spirit of Christ. Do you have the Spirit of Christ? Does the Spirit of God dwell in you? This is a determining factor as to whether or not you are saved. People know they belong to Christ because they are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God. Paul writes, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge” (2 Corinthians 1:22). “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation – having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14). A seal during Paul’s day was used by kings and governors to seal documents or to indicate their authority. The word ‘seal’ could indicate either the instrument or the impression left by the instrument. The seal was sometimes a ring the king wore or it could be a carved stone. A wax-like substance was melted and allowed to drip on the item being sealed. The ruler would then press the seal into the substance while it was still malleable leaving an impression that matched the instrument. When someone is born again by the blood of Jesus Christ they are sealed with the Holy Spirit, leaving Christ’s impression on them. In other words, they have a new identity. When a ruler put his seal on something it indicated a number of things. First, a seal served as proof of identity. The messenger of the king was identified by the document he carried with the king’s official seal. We do similar things today to identify things as ours. We put our names in the front of a book, or engrave our name on an appliance. When we do this we are placing our seal on the item for the purpose of identification. God’s desire for you is that you be identified with Him. In the animated movie “Toy Story”, Andy gets a new toy for his birthday, Buzz Lightyear. Andy runs into his room, knocks Woody, his favorite toy for years, off the bed and replaces him with Buzz. Woody consoles himself by believing Andy will forget about Buzz in a couple of days. However, the next day he realizes that Andy has put his name on Buzz. Woody realizes Buzz is here to stay because Andy has sealed him and claimed him as his very own. God wants to do the same for you. He wants to place His personal seal on you and claim you for His very own. God wants you to be His precious treasure. He wants to make His impression on your life. He does this by sealing a person with His Holy Spirit. Before a person comes to know Jesus Christ they are identified by sin. The Scripture says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). David wrote, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). We are all sinners by nature. You may ask, “What is sin?” The Bible says that sin is disobedience to God. God’s standard of what is right is found in the Law of God. The Ten Commandments are a summary of God’s Law. In looking at these ten statements we will soon discover that we have broken at least one of them. Do you have to break every law to be a lawbreaker? Of course not; you only have to break one law to be a lawbreaker. Everyone has broken God’s law because it is our nature to do so. The Bible has a name for those who sin; sinner. When you were born you were given a name. You did not get to choose your name; instead your parents chose your name. My wife has an uncle named Julius Octavius. Suppose you had a name like Julius Octavius, you might want to change it. Can you? Sure you can, but not on your own. To legally change your name you must have help from a judge. He will issue a legal order that will serve to officially change your name. Jesus is the Judge of the living and the dead. Only He can legally change your identity from sinner to saint. Jesus died on the cross to take away your sin. His death was a substitute for your penalty. You and I deserve death and hell, but God loved us so much He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for you and me. Jesus wants to give you a new identity by giving you a new name, Christian. Second, the seal in Paul’s day served as legal protection and guarantee. Someone traveling on kings’ business merely had to show the seal of the king and they would be free from harm. Attacking a messenger of the king would be equal to attacking the king himself and would bring a swift response of vindication. Third, the seal served as accreditation. The document carried by the messenger was binding because the seal indicated the kings’ authority. It was as if the king himself were delivering the message. When God seals us with the Holy Spirit we receive His guarantee of legal protection. “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication is from Me” (Isaiah 54:17). I find that most people I encounter want to go to heaven. Few people when asked the question will say, “No, I think I want to go to hell.” However, when you ask people if they believe they will go to heaven they often reply, “I hope so,” meaning they have an optimistic outlook on the possibility but do not know for certain. The Bible says, “These thing have I written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). God offers a guarantee of His legal protection by way of His seal, the Holy Spirit. Jesus made a promise to those who belong to Him. He said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one can snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28). God provides guaranteed security to those who are truly His. Those who belong to Jesus Christ are sealed by the Holy Spirit and they will always remain God’s own possession. How does a person know they are identified with Christ and they are secure as God’s own possession? How do I know I am sealed? Romans chapter 8 gives two answers to your questions. First, we know because the Spirit Himself testifies to our spirit. “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him” (Romans 8:16-17). The word, testify means to provide supporting evidence. The Spirit provides evidence in our life that we are children of God by His activity in our lives. A second answer goes along with the first. “For all who are being led by the Spirit, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). The evidence the Spirit gives is that He gives leadership in our lives and we follow Him. We see the Seal at work in our lives giving identification to us and protection to us as He leads us on the path of righteousness. This is further explained in verse 4 where Paul tells us that the requirement of the Law is fully accomplished by Jesus Christ. He further explains ‘who’ this accomplishment applies to; those who walk, “according to the Spirit.” This is not a prerequisite to salvation, but evidence of salvation. Those who are saved walk according to the Spirit. What does it mean to walk according to the Spirit? We can understand the word ‘walk’ to mean, “to order one’s behavior or conduct.” The word is in the present tense and active voice indicating continuing action initiated by the subject, which is the believer. The phrase ‘according to’ is translated from the Greek word ‘kata’ which means, ‘domination.’ We can translate the phrase, “to order one’s behavior or conduct consistently dominated by the Spirit of God.” Those who are sealed by the Holy Sprit belong to Jesus Christ. The Spirit gives evidence of this fact by enabling the believer to live a life dominated by His impression on them; and they live this life willfully and intentionally. Do you belong to Jesus Christ? Is your life dominated by the will of God? Perhaps today you are seeking a new direction in your life. Jesus Christ will give you a new identity and a new purpose for living. He will also give you a guarantee of eternal life with Him in heaven. Will you receive Him today? You can receive Him by faith today. How? First, confess your identity to Him, confess you are a sinner. John writes, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Confess means to agree with God. God already knows you are a sinner. But up to this time in your life you have not been willing to admit that you are a sinner. Perhaps you have tried to justify your actions and have not looked at them as sin. Maybe you have judged your own behavior against the behavior of others and determined that you are not as bad as most and in doing these things have denied you are a sinner. God is the standard for righteousness, not other people. And when we measure ourselves against His righteousness we fall short of the glory of God. Confess today you are a sinner. Secondly, believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died and rose. He did this because He loves you and wants you to have eternal life rather than eternal death. Jesus took your place on the cross. He did not deserve to die but you and I do. Jesus wants to give you what you do not deserve, forgiveness of all your sin. Will you believe Jesus to take away all your sin? Third, Jesus wants you to confess Him with your mouth and with you life. “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved” Romans (10:13). We exercise faith by praying. Will you ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord today? If you would like to have your sins forgiven and be identified with Jesus Christ today, you can pray now and receive Him today. I will lead you. Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have no hope of going to heaven apart from you. I believe you are the Son of God and that you died and rose again to take away my sin and give me eternal life. Forgive me of my sin. Give me a new life, a new identity in you. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name, Amen.
Holy Spirit
The Garden

"I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard of the man who lacks judgment; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins. I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-- and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man." (Proverbs 24:30-34) We can learn much from observation. This passage in Proverbs tells how a man learned the consequences of being slack. The garden that he looked at showed signs of neglect. He observed thorns, weeds, and the wall that protected the garden from animals was falling down. One thing he never mentions is fruit. There is no indication that the garden was producing anything worthwhile. Marriages can be the same as this garden, producing thorns and weeds but nothing that brings fulfillment and joy. Do you have thorns and weeds in your marriage relationship? Are there unmet needs and expectations? Is there bitterness or unforgiveness? These thorns and weeds of a marriage can choke out fruitfulness and fulfillment God intended for the marriage relationship. What we need is a plan for routine maintenance in the marriage garden. Here are a few tips. Make sure to keep the lines of communication open. Discuss your needs and expectations often. If you do not pull weeds in the garden each day, they will soon take over and you will have more work later. Fertilize what you grow. What makes a marriage grow? 1. Liberal applications of appreciation 2. Water regularly with praise 3. Enrich the soil with acts of kindness. Do you have work to do? Get busy, before someone starts talking about your garden.
The Bible

The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. You can live by it, but you can’t live without it. The Bible is the Word of God, the Law of God, the Command of God, the Promises of God , the Revelation of God, the correction of God, the instruction of God, the power of God. By His Word all creation came forth, armies fall, nations tremble, and mountains quake. When He speaks the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, and the dead are raised. By His Power captives are set free, sinners are made saints, the wicked are made righteous. His Word is His Truth. By it we discern right and wrong, good and evil, sin and righteousness, and the signs of the times. As we proclaim it we destroy strongholds of the Devil and the philosophies of man. When we read it, meditate on it, and memorize it we are sanctified, purified, cleansed and washed. When it is preached we are built up, encouraged, strengthened, renewed, revived, and regenerated. Within its pages are words of love, words of hope, words filled with grace, words of comfort, and words of peace. By it we discover our origin, our problem, our hopelessness, our demise apart from Jesus Christ. Of God we learn His eye is always seeing, His ear is always hearing, His Spirit is always speaking, His hand is always reaching, His love is never ending, and He is never changing. Jesus is revealed to be our Redeemer, Savior, King , and Substitute. He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the Prince of peace. You can listen to it, read it, receive it, speak it, teach it, proclaim it, observe it, and obey it. Some have tried to add to it, take away from it, revise it, revile it, and burn it, but they can’t get rid of it because the grass will wither and the flower will fade but His Word will stand forever.
Creative writing
Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped. He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God." (Job 1:20-22) How are Christians supposed to respond to suffering in their lives? This is a question that has been asked since the beginning of the church. Prior to the church, people attempted to answer a different question, "Why do people suffer and why does a loving God allow suffering?" The assumption has often been people suffer because of sin in their life. This assumption follows a principle found in Scripture called the 'Retribution Principle.' According to this principle, God punishes the wicked and blesses the righteous. The problem we face is life does not always follow this principle. Of course, in the end, this will be seen clearly at the judgment. However, in the case of Job, the opposite of this principle is at work. Since suffering occurs in everyone's life and it is not always a result of sin in the person's life, how should Christians respond? First, grieve (Job 1:20). Job tore his robe, and shaved his head. These were actions of grief during the age of the Patriarchs. Grieving is a normal response to suffering. There is nothing sinful about it, in fact it is therapeutic releasing emotions that if retained will cause bitterness and anger that can change the entire course of ones life. Second, realize God is sovereign, just, and does not owe us an explanation as to why something bad occurs in our lives. His purposes our higher than our own. Third, worship God. Our worship demonstrates we recognize God's right to do anything with our life He desires. We were bought with a price and no longer belong to ourselves but to Him. Worship also throws dirt in the face of the adversary who hopes to cause us to curse God rather than worship Him. Fourth, realize that in every trial there is a lesson and a blessing. Through all his suffering, Job learned more about the will and purposes of God and following his trial was blessed beyond his previous circumstances. How do you respond when something bad happens? Does your faith falter and your nerves begin to crack? Trust God in every circumstance. His ways are not our ways, but they are High-ways to holiness.
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