Dear Westwood Baptist Church Family,
I want to commend you and thank you for your fantastic generosity and compassion demonstrated in our recent Hunger Relief Offering for the Ethiopian believers in Merebete. Your contributions totaled $5571.61. This contribution will feed over 200 families as well as give the churches food resources to assist other people in their communities who are suffering, which opens the door for the gospel to be delivered to hurting hearts. Your amazing response indicates the depth of your compassion and commitment to these fellow believers. Your beautiful heart is showing in amazing ways and I am overwhelmed by your response and I know the churches will be also.
John and RK left yesterday afternoon to take the money you gave and begin buying and distributing food. They will return Friday, August 12. We will take time during our morning worship services on the 14th for John and RK to report on their trip. The time they will spend on the ground is more than they will need to distribute food, so they will also be making preparations for the two upcoming trips in October. Please pray for their safety and their usefulness in the expansion work of the kingdom of God.
Feeding on His grace and your fellowship,
Rick Dees