How can we know when emotion is dominating decision making? Usually emotional decision making is identified when we use the word ‘feel.’ “I feel lonely,” can lead to making a bad relationship decision, or “I feel tired,” can be the first step in shirking responsibility.
So, how can we lead our heart in decision making instead of our heart leading us? Here are a few suggestions from Proverbs 2:1-5
1. Be intent on making a right decision as opposed to deciding what you want to do.
2. Discover what God says about your particular decision. The Bible is filled with counsel for a variety of decisions. I believe you will find what you are looking for regardless of the decision you face.
3. Listen to wise, godly counselors. Apart from the Bible, these are the people that make the biggest difference in my own life. They are mature believers with a multitude of experience.
4. Pray a lot!